Wednesday, May 26, 2010

10 in '10 Chick Lit Challenge

Hey guys, I joined 10 in '10 Chick Lit Challenge! I have a feeling I'm gonna pass the 10 really fast though because I already have read 3. Now thats schools out, I can stop slacking and just curl up with a good book! If you want to know more about the 10 in '10 Chick Lit Challenge check out this link!
ChickLitTeens is an awesome review blog, and I actually had already read book 1, 4, and 6 before I noticed the blog. I read some entries on the blog and realized that the author had a similar taste in books. So check out the blog at this website

Here is My 10 in '10 List! Probably will increase, but enjoy what I have so far! Also does anyone know how to do the cross out thing! I don't know how and I don't know how to mark when I have read a book. They are in no particular order, just the ones I thought of or found. Thanks, Gabby

Gabby's 10 in '10 Chick Lit Challenge List
1. A Match Made In High School by Kristin Walker
2. Guyaholic by Carolyn Mackler
3. The Cinderella Society by Kay Cassidy
4. Shes So Dead to Us by Kieran Scott
5. MockingJay by Suzanne Collins
6. Good Girls by Laura Ruby
7. Bad Apple by Laura Ruby
8. Pretty Little Liars (Book 4-8, already 1-3 and they were amazing!) by Sara Shepard
12. Amy and Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson
13. The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han
14. Tagged by Mara Purnhager
15. Heist Society by Ally Carter
16. The Secret Year by Jennifer R. Hubbard
17. The Lonely Hearts Club by Elizabeth Eulburg
18. Brightly Woven by Alexandra Bracken
19. The Naughty List by Suzanne Young
20. The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane by Katherine Howe
21. The Mark by Jen Nadol
22. Karma Club by Jessica Brody
23. The Everafter by Amy Huntley
24. Lipstick Apology by Jennifer Jabaley

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Beautiful Landscape

Wow. Left me speechless. This is amazing.

Most Impressive Tiger

Jose Olivo Hassin drew this tiger. Congrats on being the first Nominee for Most Impressive Tiger.

Sarah Rodriguez drew this amazing tiger! She is the 2nd Nominee for most impressive tiger.

Christine Ta drew this tiger. I think it is the most realistic. She got the eyes spot on. She is another Nominee for Most Impressive Tiger.

If you have suggestions feel free to post them in the comment box. I will add more nominees as I find them. Good Luck to all the nominees :)

Most Realistic Water Drop

Hawwa Nizma is the first nominee for the category, Most Realistic Water Drop!

Best Eye

So I went to draw a graffiti for my friend Lilly, and I found this. It is probably the most impresive eye I have ever seen! Can you say amazing? Congrats Jared Kahn, I nominate you best eye for the Graffiti Awards!

Graffiti Awards

I decided to create the Graffiti Awards! they go to the people most deserving of each category. Up and coming artists, who make some awesome grafitis. Like the oscars, there will be four artists who will be featured for each category. I will take a poll and people will vote for their favorites. An art critic will make the ultimate decision, but everyones vote is important. Here are a few of the categories!

Graffiti Awards
1. Best Eye
2. Most Impressive Tiger
3. Most Realistic Water Drop
4. Worst Graffiti
5. Best Representation of "Life As We Knew It"
6. Best Moon Scene

Nominees will be posted. And if anyone has suggestions, feel free to post the link or embed code in the comment box. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


So, I was on facebook recently and noticed that there is now graffiti for twitter... whats up with that. I liked it on Facebook. and of course twitters graffiti is called... Wait for it. Wait for it. Okay its called twitdraw. LAME NAME RIGHT???? IDK but here are a few awesome facebook graffitis

This grafiti is by Rui Hu. It was #1 Graffiti this week. Way to go Rui H!!!!

This graffiti was #2 today. It was made by Tygah Thuy Do. Awesome name Tygah Thuy Do. I wish my name was that cool but no, mine is just plain Gabby. Anyways here it is!

I like both of those graffiti. They remind me of an awesome book. It's called Life As We Knew It!! Read it, its cool. If you are a guy or a girl you will like it. I promise and if you don't guilty as charged and you can complain to me! So try it or just enjoy the Graffiti. Or just read my blog and tell your friends. And look forward to at least one post about Graffiti per week :)